Daily Devotions: January 3, 2017

Daily Devotions: January 3, 2017

 Isaiah 42:5-9

“I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.” vss. 6b-7

Jesus adopted these words from Isaiah as a messianic job description and used them as a guide for his words and actions during his ministry. Wherever he went people felt the presence of God and found relief from their pain and suffering. The nations continue to yearn for those healing connections with God and now it’s our turn to provide them. We are the hands and feet of the Risen Christ and are called in our baptisms to bring light and love wherever we live, work, or play. As baptized persons we have promised to not only worship and pray, but to work for justice and peace. And what a blessing we are! All over the world people of faith are fighting for the rights of the oppressed and standing with the marginalized. We’re fighting disease and working to eliminate hunger. In every neighborhood, every village, and every city there are baptized persons living out their call to make a difference for good. Just imagine what a dark place this world would be without their presence! Of course there’s a lot to be done. The work of Jesus has only begun, but as the world continues to experience his presence though us, the kingdom of God is becoming a reality…and all nations are enlightened.

Thought for the Day: Times when I have kept my baptismal promises.


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